GRiD Autumn Budget 2024 Submission

GRiD has made a representation to HM Treasury for the upcoming 2024 Autumn Budget. Our submission: • Focuses on 3 key changes which we believe are achievable. • Includes background information on the issues. • Includes suggestions on how the changes could be implemented simply and effectively. The 3 key changes cover: 1. Pure Protection […]

GRiD response to Fit Note Reform Call for Evidence

GRiD’s response to the call for evidence to explore reforming the fit note process to support those with long term health conditions to access timely work and health support, which closed on 8 July 2024.

GRiD Member Briefing February 2024: Lifetime Allowance

Further detail has been published in respect of the changes announced for the lifetime allowance (LTA). The removal of the LTA charge took effect for any benefit crystallisation event occurring on or after 6th April 2023 and is replaced by an income tax charge for benefits in excess of the LTA. HMRC has confirmed that schemes […]

GRiD Spring Budget 2024

GRiD has made a representation to HM Treasury for the upcoming 2024 Spring Budget. Our submission: • Focuses on 3 key changes which we believe are achievable. • Includes background information on the issues. • Includes suggestions on how the changes could be implemented simply and effectively. The 3 key changes cover: 1. Excepted Group […]

GRiD Autumn Statement 2023 Submission

GRiD has made a representation to HM Treasury for the upcoming 2023 Autumn Statement. Our submission: • Focuses on 3 key changes which we believe are achievable. • Includes background information on the issues. • Includes suggestions on how the changes could be implemented simply and effectively. The 3 key changes cover: 1. Excepted Group […]

GRiD responses to DWP/DHSC’s Occupational Health: Working Better consultation and HMRC/HMT’s Tax incentives for occupational health consultation

There are two linked Government consultations underway – one from DWP/DHSC, on extending the spread of occupational health services to more employers Occupational Health: Working Better and the other from HMRC/HMT seeking views on how the tax system might be adapted to support this Tax incentives for occupational health . They both close on 12 […]

GRiD letters re: GIP OpRA taxation to Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Rt Hon Mel Stride MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

In March 2023, GRiD’s Chair and the Chair of GRiD’s Regulations Committee wrote to the Chancellor and the Secretary of State for Work & Pensions outlining material concerns regarding HMRC’s flawed interpretation of the legislation relating to the taxation for employee benefits, such as Group Income Protection (GIP), within the context of an optional remuneration […]

Updated executive summary of HMRC’S approach to GIP OPRA taxation and their published technical notes dated August 2022 and September 2022

Updated executive summary of HMRC’s current approach regarding the taxation of Group Income Protection (GIP) within the context of an optional remuneration arrangement (OpRA) and their published technical notes dated August 2022 and September 2022. This updated summary is based on the latest technical notes produced by HMRC following a meeting with ABI and GRiD, […]