GRiD Statement of Best Practice for Supplier Agreements and Non-Disclosure Agreements September 2023

When companies purchase products or services, they quite reasonably wish to ensure that the company they are purchasing the products or services from acts in an appropriate manner and that they are protected if problems arise. However, companies are often unfamiliar with the way that group risk insurance operates in the UK, or the protection […]
Supplier Agreements Best Practice September 2012

GRiD Statement of Best Practice for Supplier Agreements and Non-Disclosure Agreements. To read please download the Word Document available here.
GRiD confidentiality agreement for quotations

GRiD confidentiality agreement in relation to the purchase of group risk insurance products. To read please download the Word Document available here.
Technical Guide Best Practice October 2010

GRiD Best Practice for the layout of Technical Guides. To read please download the Word Document available here.
GRiD protocol for Group Income Protection Linked Claims – May 2002

GRiD’s Best Practice group met to consider the attached discussion paper assembled by Swiss Life after consultation. The consensus was that members should be asked to endorse the wording which would be referred to the ABI working party to include in their Income Protection guidance notes. The format of these notes is a statement of the […]