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ProAge is holding a workshop with Lewis Silken in Cardiff on the 24th of September as part of its project to map the way forward to a multigenerational workforce. The workshop will be offering insights on Mike Mansfield from ProAge, who was our guest speaker at the GRiD AGM back

Press release 3 September 2024. Mental health support: most helpful Just under one in ten (9%) employers say their priority in offering health and wellbeing support is on prevention, to stop staff getting ill in the first place. Research* from GRiD, the industry body for the group risk sector, also

Summary of GRiD PR activity for August 2024. It was encouraging to see so much coverage in the HR/employee benefits press on the support available within group risk for new illness/injury. HR Magazine made this into a fuller feature, Employee Benefits, Workplace Wellbeing Professional and Benefits Expert all covered it

GRiD has made a representation to HM Treasury for the upcoming 2024 Autumn Budget. Our submission: • Focuses on 3 key changes which we believe are achievable. • Includes background information on the issues. • Includes suggestions on how the changes could be implemented simply and effectively. The 3 key

Presentations from the GRiD AGM on 16 May 2024. To view please download the slides available here.

Press release 20 August 2024. GRiD, the industry body for the group risk sector has found that only two in five (40%) employers offer their staff support for physical health to help them stay in or return to work, if they are injured or have a new illness or disability.

Notes from the GRiD Raising the Profile Working Group meeting on 11 July 2024. Please download the attached document to view the notes.

Minutes from the GRiD Regulatory Committee meeting of 23 May 2024. Please download the attached document to view the minutes.

GRiD’s response to the call for evidence to explore reforming the fit note process to support those with long term health conditions to access timely work and health support, which closed on 8 July 2024.

Press release 6 August 2024. GRiD is pleased to welcome new member Reframe Cancer, the cancer navigation and support specialists that provide flexible, whole of workplace care for employers and employees impacted by cancer. As well as working directly with employers, Reframe Cancer partners with insurers to deliver a personalised

Summary of GRiD PR activity for July 2024. Key highlights include: 1) A great month for coverage with nearly 60 press cuttings. 2) We issued news from the research on both the appreciation of employee benefits, as well as employee awareness of the benefits they’re offered. We gave both of

Summary of GRiD PR activity for June 2024. Key highlights include: 1) Front cover profile of Colin Fitzgerald in the printed edition of Corporate Adviser. 2) Good promotion on PartnerRe and First Actuarial joining GRiD. 3) As news on the number of long-term sick is prevalent, we pitched the idea