Access to Insurance Working Group Overview

On his appointment as DWP Disability Champion for the insurance industry, Johnny Timpson was charged by the then Minister of State for Disabled People, Health and Work, Sarah Newton MP, with improving consumer access to protection insurance, particularly for those with long-term health conditions and disabilities. This issue has also been the subject of a […]
Access to Insurance Working Group – Workplace Workstream discussion paper

Access to Insurance Working Group discussion paper on regulatory and legislative barriers to extending the reach of group risk protection benefits through the workplace. August 2019 To read, please download the document available here.
Access to Insurance Workplace Workstream response to Government consultation “Health is everyone’s business Proposals to reduce ill health-related job loss”.

The Access to Insurance Workplace Workstream responded to the Department for Work and Pensions & Department of Health and Social Care consultation “Health is everyone’s business Proposals to reduce ill health-related job loss”. In summary, we are supportive of the ideas proposed in the consultation but our view is that they are unnecessarily limited in […]
Access to Insurance Working Group response to Government consultation “Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s”

The Access to Insurance Working Group responded to the Cabinet Office & Department of Health and Social Care consultation “Advancing our health: prevention in the 2020s”. We welcome the opportunity to respond to this consultation and agree that much premature ill-health and disability can be prevented and there are actions we can take to increase […]
GRiD Raising the Profile Working Party Agenda & Actions 12 December 2019

Agenda and actions from the Raising the Profile Working Party meeting held on 12 December 2019. To read please download the Word Document available here.