Davidson Asset Management (DAM) joins GRiD

Press release 16 February 2021. DAM has joined GRiD to ensure they keep up to date with the latest group risk industry and regulatory developments and improvements so they can offer the best service to their clients, and ensure they’re ahead of the game when it comes to competitors. DAM sees group risk benefits as […]
Insurance Institute of London lecture on workplace wellness, vocational rehabilitation and group income protection

In this IIL webinar, members of the Access to Insurance Working Group and the Vocational Rehabilitation Association (Johnny Timpson, Ron Wheatcroft, Katharine Moxham and Joy Reymond) discuss personal financial resilience to income shock, workplace wellness, vocational rehabilitation and how group income protection is positioned to support all of this. Many thanks to the Insurance Institute […]
Access to Insurance Working Group Newsletter January 2021

An update on the Access to Insurance Working Group’s progress in its efforts to improve consumer access to protection insurance and deliver on its objectives of improving: •Underwriting Trust & Transparency •Signposting to Specialists •Protection via the Workplace •Protection Professionalism in Practice To read the newsletter, please download the document available here.